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Shaykh Ahmed Muhammad Ali is recognized has a deep spiritual connection with the Shaykh al-Akbar through kashf and shahud (unveiling and witnessing). He is the spiritual force behind many of the activities of Ibn al-Arabi Foundation. Based in Egypt, Shaykh Ahmed Muhammad Ali plays an integral role in guiding individuals along the path of the Tariqa al Akbariya, helping them to develop a personal relationship with the divine and a deeper understanding of the teachings of Ibn al-Arabi.

Abrar Ahmed Shahi
Abrar Ahmed Shahi, the founder and president of Ibn al-Arabi Foundation, who has made significant contributions to the study and dissemination of the teachings of Ibn al-Arabi. He has edited and translated over 35 of Ibn al-Arabi's works from Arabic to Urdu, making them accessible to a wider audience. In addition, Shahi shares his knowledge and insights through lectures on YouTube, emphasizing the importance of true and authentic understanding of Ibn al-Arabi's teachings.

Hamesh Gul Malik is the co-founder and Secretary General of the foundation, he has played a significant role in promoting its mission and values.It's also commendable that he has worked towards improving the Urdu edition of the foundation's works and has supervised proofreading to ensure accuracy and quality.
Furthermore, his participation in the weekly session sittings, known as "Ibn al-Arabi Baithak", as an active speaker,