Kutubkhana Aasfia Collection

This complete collection was copied for the library of Kutub khana Asfia by Sadar Mudarris صدر مدرس Nawwab ud-din.
Kutub Khana Asefiyah was established in 1891 in Hyderabad to promote knowledge and literature. It housed rare books in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu from around the world. Maulvi Syed Hussain Bilgrami Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk initially established the library, but it was rebuilt in 1936 as the Asefiyah Central Library. It was inaugurated by Nawab Asif Jah VII Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur.
The library was a treasure trove of knowledge for the Hyderabad state, with a unique collection of books of exceptional quality and importance. Scholars from around the world used to visit the library to study the rare and priceless books. The building itself was a model of Muslim architecture, with its high ceilings, colorful glasses, and grills on the windows. It was said that the architecture of the building was based on the model of a book.
Kutubkhana Asfia Collection
- Arabic Title:الإتحاد الكوني في حضرة الإشهاد العيني
- RG #:317
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:عنقاء المغرب في معرفة ختم الأولياء وشمس المغرب
- RG #:30
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:القسم الالهي بالاسم الربانيRG #:
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
Arabic Title:منزل القطب مقامه وحاله
- RG #:585
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:المدخل إلى معرفة الأسما
- RG #:33
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:الإعلام باشارات أهل الإلهامRG #:281Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:الذخائر والاعلاق في شرح ترجمان الأشواق
- RG #:116
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:حلية الأبدال
- RG #:237
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب الإسفار عن نتائج الأسفار
- RG #:307
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:المقنع في إيضاح السهل الممتنع
- RG #:511
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- 51
- Arabic Title:كتاب الحق
- RG #:219
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب التجليات
- RG #:738
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب الإسراء إلي مقام الأسرى
- RG #:311
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب الأزل
- RG #:68
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب المسائل
- RG #:433
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب الجلالة
- RG #:169
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب النصائح في ما لا يعول عليه
- RG #:532
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
- Arabic Title:كتاب الكتب
- RG #:354
- Scribe:Nawab ud Din
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