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Funds Required

The Ibn al-Arabi Foundation in Pakistan is currently working on the Magnum opus of Ibn al-Arabi, the Futuhat al-Makkiyya . This book has not been translated completely into Urdu before, so the Foundation is doing the first-ever translation. To complete this project, the Foundation requires funding of at least 15000 USD. This will enable them to proceed with the translation and publishing process. By supporting the Foundation's efforts, you can help make this valuable knowledge accessible to a wider audience.

| Ibn al-Arabi Foundation March 1, 2025 Donations
PAid Members
Funded Projects
Years of experience


The Ibn al-Arabi Foundation in Pakistan is dedicated to reviving the teachings and scholarship of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi. They aim to achieve this through various means, such as preparing authentic critical Arabic editions of his texts, translating his works, and publishing bilingual editions. The Foundation also seeks to build resources that will enable a better understanding of Ibn al-Arabi's teachings.

As an individual, there are several ways you can support the Foundation in achieving its mission. You can assist in preparing an authentic critical Arabic edition of a work, contribute to the publishing of a translation of an ongoing project, or share your resources to help make publication possible. Additionally, you can engage the Foundation for the translation and publishing of a specific work of Ibn al-Arabi. If you have books or other materials relevant to the Foundation's mission, you can donate them. Finally, if you have the skills or expertise required, you can also contribute as a volunteer to the Foundation, giving your services towards their cause.

To summarize, here are the ways you can support the Ibn al-Arabi Foundation in Pakistan:

  • Support the preparation of an authentic critical Arabic edition of a work
  • Help in publishing a translation of an ongoing project
  • Share your resources to make publication possible
  • Engage the Foundation for the translation and publishing of a specific work of Ibn al-Arabi
  • Donate books and other materials relevant to their mission
  • Contribute as a volunteer, using your skills and expertise to support the Foundation's work
Total Funds 
Funds REceived
REmaining Funds
Funds Required [Futuhat al-Makkiyya]
Received: $10
Goal: $1500
Received so far

The Ibn al-Arabi Foundation has an initial budget of $1500 for the book "Futuhat al-Makkiyya's" Urdu translation. we have received above mentioned % of the funds required to complete the project. Your support can help us to achieve that goal and make this valuable knowledge accessible to a wider audience. By contributing to the Foundation's efforts, you can help bring the teachings of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi to those who seek it.

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Bank accounts

Acc Details
Acc Title: Abrar Ahmed
Acc # 3012-0006173-0001
IBAN # PK21BKIP0301200061730001
Bank Islami Private Limited (Code BIPL)
Branch: Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Bank islami Remittance
Acc Details
Acc Title: Abrar Ahmed
Acc # 08070103334816
IBAN # PK39MEZN0008070103334816
Meezan Bank Private Limited
Branch: Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Meezan Bank Remittance
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Acc Details
Acc Title: Abrar Ahmed
Acc # 03345463996
IBAN # PK63SADA0000003345463996
Sadapay Digital wallerMeezan Bank Private Limited Branch: Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
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